Tuesday 18 August 2015

Superstar Comedian Michael Jr Opens Up On His Conversion And How He Made It To The Big Time.


Michael’s entry into comedy was almost preordained. Years ago in a crowded Grand Rapids, Michigan movie theatre, the projector malfunctioned. The film snapped, the house... lights came on, and acting on a dare, young Michael jumped in front of the restless crowd and took center stage. When the theatre manager tried to usher him out, the audience demanded he stayed… and Michael Jr. discovered his gift, but then he has a little more to add to how he really climbed up the comedy food chain.

While on the “Life Today’ show with James and Betty Robinson, he was asked the following question; “How did you find Christ or Christ find you?” and this was what he had to say. (The laughter pauses are marked by asterisks)
‘‘Oh! It works the same way for black people too. *** So I was doing a show, there was a club in New York. One of the hardest clubs to get into at the time. I wanted to perform there. This club is so hard to get into, people needed to start lining up at 6:00 in the morning, so they could be part of the open mic at 7:00 at night. So I finally get a chance to perform there and George Wallace is there. George Wallace is hilarious, he’s great, but he walks in right before I’m about to go on stage. And normally when someone like that comes in, whoever is next gets bumped. If somebody like George Wallace comes in, you get bumped. I’m next! And then he comes in, and the manager is already walking up to me and I already know what he was gonna say; “you know what, I’m gonna bump you and you gonna wait till he’s done.” But Instead, he says to me, and this is where God shows up for the first time in my life, or well, this is where I noticed him. He says to me, “Listen, George Wallace is here. Do you wanna go before him or after him?” and I say I’m gonna go before him.
So I go before him and I got Newyorkers laughing and listen, in New York if you’re not funny, the way they let you know you’re not funny, is they say something like “You’re NOT FUNNY”. *** So not only do I got Newyorkers laughing, but George Wallace is laughing too and after the show he walks up to me and he asks me a question says; “Why don’t you curse?” At this point, I don’t know anything about Jesus, but I made a pact with my friend when we were 15 years old we wouldn’t curse anymore. If he heard me cursing, he could hit me in the chest as hard as he wanted to, vice versa. The dude could hit hard so I stopped cursing. ** But I can’t tell George Wallace this, cos at this point I’m a grown man and I shouldn’t be afraid of my friend hitting me in the chest. *** So I told him I was like what if my grandmother walk in or something? And he says; “you know what? That’s funny, that’s honourable, I’d love for you to do a show with me and my best friend in a couple of nights”.

I get to the show, it’s me, George Wallace and Jerry Seinfeld. I do two shows, I get two standing ovations, I rip! After the show, different club, a manager walks up to me and he says; “Hey Michael, you wanna go to church with me?” I was like “Church?!” I just got two standing ovations, why you messing this up? Then like twenty minutes later, his fiancee asked me if I wanted to go. And she was fiiiiiine! I talking about BEAUTIFUL!!! And she had some kind of accent too. She was like, “Michael Junior, would-you-like-to-go-to-church-with-US?” I was like, “I was just looking for a church.”
So I go to this church for the wrong reason, and A.R Bernat was on duty on stage talking about Jesus. And he wasn’t screaming, he ain’t yelling, he ain’t got no perm. And he did an altar call, I wanted to go down but I was like “uuuuhhh…I gotta read the pamphlet first”. So I told myself, cos I don’t wanna be one of them. . .cos I got some friends who was Christians and they was CREEPY! Some creepy Christians y’all. If you don’t know any creepy Christians, it’s YOU! Yeah! You know who you are. Yeah!
So I told my self I was gonna read the whole bible, and I had a problem reading when I was a child, I struggled with reading for a long time. Cos I didn’t know the bible was that big, so I was like imma read it. I started reading the bible. I finished reading the bible in 38 days, and at this point, I wanna go up and give my life to Jesus but I told myself I gotta read the bible first. So I’m reading the bible, I’m putting in like 14 hours a day. All I’m doing in New York is reading the bible, go to church, get on stage and do my comedy. Then it all started to make sense. And now, I understand. After first reading the bible, I read it to the altar like I was doing the announcements. So now I understand.

I used to think I was funny, but now I get it, like I’m funny for a reason. There’s this purpose behind this funny, which is Amazing! Then I read the bible, you know, God used a donkey, so I’m like Okay. . .okay I get it. It’s alright. It’s amazing to know how…like all of this time I could see how He was using me all along when I look back and even little stories, little things, celebrities. . .i got a lot of celebrities asking questions, to ask me to explain God to ’em. And my response is, I can’t explain God cos if I can, then he won’t be God, I would be, and then we’d be all messed up. I can’t explain him completely but I do give them some nuggets that they can take home too and a lot of times they call me up and be like “how do I get down with this?” So it’s really kinda cool.

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