Tuesday 18 August 2015

A Kentucky State Clerk Refuses to Issue Marriage License to Gay Couple Despite Court Order.

I got this news and think it is very worthy to be shared
Kim Davis who is a Kentucky state employee has refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. This faith-based stand is in spite of the satanic US Supreme court ruling that unfortunately upheld and recognises same-sex marriage. Kim Davis of Rowan County has declined to follow a court order issued by the US District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky...

“The Court must … point out that the act of issuing a marriage license to a same-sex couple merely signifies that the couple has met the legal requirements to marry. It is not a sign of moral or religious approval,”
According to Associated Press “Davis … was the first to be sued and her attorneys vowed to keep fighting in a case legal experts have likened the resistance some local officials put up five decades ago when the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage,” reported the AP.
“Staff in Davis’ office said she was on vacation. Though she has six employees authorized to issue licenses, deputy clerk Nathan Davis said the office was advised by its attorneys with the Christian law firm Liberty Counsel to continue refusing same-sex couples as it appeals the judge’s decision.”
For standing firm for God and the faith, The National Organization for Marriage, a pro-traditional marriage group has dubbed Davis and other clerks taking similar actions  as “absolute heroes.”
“All American citizens are encouraged to stand up for marriage, especially through actions such as these,”
 “While the opposing side may well attempt to invoke violent attacks against us, those who support marriage as the union between one man and one woman have the benefit of truth on their side.” The National Organization for Marriage also stated. May God help his people to have victory against this devilish project, in Jesus name, amen.

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