Wednesday 2 September 2015

Bishop Carlton Pearson Headed For Divorce

Bishop Carlton Pearson is headed to divorce court. According to various reports circulating and court documents, the marriage that had so much hope and promise is being dissolved...

The papers say “incompatibility issues has completely destroyed the legitimate aims of the marriage of the parties and rendered its continuation impossible by reason of which petitioner is entitled to dissolution of marriage from respondent,” for the dissolution of the marriage.
Carlton Pearson is an award-winning vocalist and fourth-generation Pentecostal preacher, according to his website.
“Today Pearson’s ministry targets specifically and primarily the ‘un or less-churched.’ He makes his appeal to those who feel spiritually unresolved. His ministry now addresses issues of spiritual, social, moral, cultural, religious and political significance in a practical, yet provocative manner relating faith to culture. He likes to call himself a Sacred Activist and Spiritual Progressive and is a strong proponent of Justice and Peace issues,” his website reads.
Bishop Pearson has been surrounded by controversy over the last few years. Pearson feeling a different call on his doctrine switched to a variation on universal reconciliation—the Gospel of Inclusion, that resulted in him leaving C.O.GI.C.  A little while later he had to write a letter to dispel rumors surrounding his sexual orientation. You can read the details in the story Bisright here.

Culled from here

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