Thursday 10 September 2015

Anti-Gay STANDS: We Celebrate Kim Davis For Standing for Faith

Recently, a Kentucky County clerk, Kim Davis refused to issue a marriage certificate to a gay couple because it is against her Christian faith. Against this backdrop, she was sent to prison by a judge over there in the USA...
Thankfully, she has commenced an appeal to quash this jail service. For us here at, we stand with Kim and believe that she has taken the best and boldest step to make a statement against the devilish, anti-human trend of homosexuality and lesbianism. We strongly stand with Kim and believe that the mercies of God are still upon America today because of sincere people of faith like Kim Davis. However, America should watch it as they continue to derail from the Godly foundation upon which their nation was built. They should also know that they can’t continue in sin as a nation and expect the mercies and grace of God to continue to abide with them. Kim Davis is a hero and has done heroic deed. We totally support her to continue on this line of action as many people who love God around the world are with her. Also, as humans, we have the right to contravene any obnoxious law that threatens our right beliefs and existence whether directly or otherwise. Moreover, it is better to contravene the laws of man than that of God. Kim, we are with you and above all, God is with you.
To those who support and hold on to the devilish, demonic practice of gayism and its entire sort, they should make their own rooms for their practices. Christianity is totally against homosexuality. Hence, you cannot force pastors to wed homosexual couples in the church under any guise or compulsion of law. We stand against it..! If homosexual people desire to be married in church-like atmosphere, they can head to the church of satan and not the Christian church as we are against it and God is vehemently opposed to it. I use this medium to call on Christian lawyers in the USA to challenge the obnoxious laws that are obviously aimed at compelling people, of course, against their will, to accept and recognise homosexuality; God forbid! Again, to Kim Davis, we at are proud of you and are with you. The grace of God will continue to be with you as you have decided to continuously refuse the issuing of marriage certificate to homosexuals. God bless you, we celebrate you!  Can you stand for God like Kim did..?! HOMOSEXUALITY IS DEVILISH AND OCCULTIC!

Note: This piece was meant for publication two days before Kim was freed from jail to the glory of God..!

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