Monday 31 August 2015

The Sojachukwus Dedicate Their Baby


Church Time

Barr. Madu & Mrs Cynthia Sojachukwu on Sunday, 30th of August dedicated their lovely baby Naetochukwu Toby MC-Sojachukwu to the Lord at a very glorious/impact-full service at Dunamis...
International Gospel Church Headquaters at area 1 Abuja. The train proceeded from their to the home of Sojachukwus where guests were treated to a lavish reception. There was much to eat and enjoy there. Find some of the pictures below-
Raising The Babies To The Lord

Church Things

Celebrating The Joy Baby Toby

Plenty Jollification

Choppings things

University of Abuja Alumni was Not Also Missing

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