Monday, 3 August 2015

Pastor Rick Warren, The Author Of ‘Purpose Driven Life’ Announces The Title Of His Third Book

The pastor of Saddleback Church, Rick Warren has announced the title of his long-awaited third book. The book is anchored on the most popular Christian prayer, our Lord’s prayer and how Christians can apply it to their lives. Hence, the book is entitled ‘The Hope You Need’. Speaking further on the book, Pastor Warren states thus:
"[The Lord's Prayer] gives us 10 pictures of God, it gives us 10 reasons for hope, it gives us 10 promises to build our lives on, and it gives us 10 steps for renewing our lives and growing," the pastor explained.
He hopes that the book that he started writing two years ago is done with in August and therefore asking for your prayers to be able to accomplish this.
I can’t wait to own my copy when this is done and I hope you go out to get your copy too. In conclusion, it is important to also note that Pastor Warren also authored the book, The Purpose Driven Church.

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