Tuesday 11 August 2015

Of Wolves & Worship: INTERESTING PIECE FROM SOULPLAY; You Just Have To Read This

So you want to leave church?
Tempted to give up the faith, fleeing toxic fellowship and never rejoining Christ's body?

The bleatings and finger-pointing from the pulpit, mixed with the jostling of the other sheep who shoulder and shove you, have worn your spirit wafer-thin?
You have begun to believe that grace omits obedience and does not invite it?
The Lord's teachings are now too familiar and stale, or they are slim and receding far in the past?
Your soul (or satan) informs (whispers) you -
it is time to leave the herd, you are wise and mature, become a seeker of greener pastures on your own - this is now best.
In North America a 1000kg bison can be attacked and killed by 40kg wolves.
Wolves search to devour those removed from the protection of the herd, absent from the fierce fire-power of the strong bulls. Wolves follow prey and are savage when they reach it.
Wolves hunt:
  • the isolated,
  • the weak and the sick who can't keep pace, and
  • the foolish who stray from the herd.
No matter how cantankerous the cows, calves and bulls within the herd, they are forever safer than the wolves outside the herd. 

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

Yes - seek a kinder herd, a loving flock and a gentle shepherd, but steadfastly refuse to wander vulnerably alone.
Today's Soul Snippet:
"If your church shows you law while your heart screans for love, you are in a court not a church." Michael Cartwright

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