Wednesday 26 August 2015


The global hotel chain with over 4300 hotels, Hilton Hotels worldwide has announced that forthwith, it will no longer include video-on-demand adult entertainment at their facilities. This happened after they met with anti-pornography advocates...

The hotel is already in the process of a gradual phasing out of pornographic entertainment at the hotels they own which offer it. In a statement released by the hotel, part of it reads thus "…are making immediate changes to our global brand standards to eliminate adult video-on-demand entertainment in all our hotels worldwide."
The statement continued as follows, "While the vast majority of our properties already do not offer this content today, this content will be phased out of all other hotels subject to the terms of their contracts,"
"We believe in offering our guests a high degree of choice and control during their stays with us, including Wi-Fi on personal devices. However, we have listened carefully to our customers and have determined that adult video-on-demand entertainment is not in keeping with our company's vision and goals moving forward." He Continued.
After years of advocacy, anti-pornography advocates have commended this step by Hilton Hotels. Speaking on this development, the spokesperson of The National Center on Sexual Exploitation,  Haley Halverson said "Earlier this year, Hilton Worldwide reached out to us explaining that they were looking at making these changes and to set up a meeting to talk about these issues in person," said Halverson.
"At the meeting, we learned that Hilton Worldwide is committed to helping curb sexual exploitation and certainly open to changing policies they have that contribute to exploitation."
"We are grateful that they moved this policy through rather quickly as they announced to us today that all Hilton Worldwide locations were notified of this policy change," continued Halverson.
"We hope that Hilton's decision to remove their on-demand pornography will influence other hotel chains to do the same…,’’ he concludes.

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