Thursday 30 July 2015

Catholic Church boycotting huge shipment of polio vaccine being dispensed to Kenya.

The World Health Organization is working with the government of Kenya to provide the country with a huge supply of polio vaccines to inoculate the nation’s children.  Less children getting sick is an awesome thing, but there appears to be a hurdle: the Catholic Church is urging the citizenry to boycott the vaccines:

        Roman Catholic bishops in Kenya have urged citizens to boycott a mass polio vaccination campaign, unless the safety of the vaccine has been confirmed through scientific tests.
The oral vaccination campaign, by the World Health Organization and UNICEF, is scheduled to begin in Kenya on Aug. 1.
You know who’s in the habit of testing vaccines to make sure they’re safe?  The World Health Organization.  It turns out that, unlike the Catholic Church, doing that kind of thing is their job and expertise.  We should probably leave it to them.
Ahead of the campaign’s launch, the bishops questioned the safety of the vaccines, saying the manufacturer failed to provide requested information and the government disregarded the bishops’ request for tests.
Yeah, probably because the government doesn’t answer to you.  The government probably realizes that the WHO, not the Catholic Church, is the authority on medicine.  I mean seriously, this is probably what your government is hearing:  “Hey, so we know you’ve got a vaccine ready that’s been approved by the relevant experts, and we know it’s your job to increase the quality of life for your citizens and all that, but our group of religious non-experts think the World Health Organization doesn’t have it quite right and we’d like you to delay this vaccine which will augment the quality of life of your citizens by deferring to us, rather than to them.  Sound good?”
Oh no, it doesn’t sound good.  What did you expect?
The government is trying to use reason to appeal to the Catholic Church…you can guess how well that’s going:
“Any attempts aimed at mobilizing the public against taking their children for vaccination is a serious violation of the right of children to health and survival,” said Dr. Nicholas Muraguri, director of Kenya’s Medical Services, in the statement.
“The ministry of health once again reassures the public of the safety of all vaccines used in Kenya,” he said. “I therefore appeal to all stakeholders, especially the leadership of the Catholic Church, to continue supporting” the immunization campaign in Kenya.
But don’t worry, Kenya’s government: even though the Catholic Church is trying to undermine your humanitarian efforts, rest assured they’re not fighting you:
“We are not in conflict with the Ministry of Health, but we have an apostolic and moral duty to ensure Kenyans are getting safe vaccines,” Bishop Philip Anyolo, the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops chair, told journalists at a news conference in Nairobi.
Yeah, because the organization that launched a huge campaign to AIDS-riddled Africa to convince people that condoms actually increased the spread of AIDS (see: the Catholic Church) is now asserting it knows better than the WHO.  Thank goodness.  That was close.
Early this year, the bishops had tangled with government after the clerics claimed a mass neonatal tetanus vaccination campaign was a disguised form of population control. The government and the bishops later agreed to test all vaccines before, during and after the campaign, according to the bishops.
It’s like with a toddler: if you don’t put your foot down they’ll push you every time.
“We are not fighting anybody, but we are saying let us determine our destiny. The moment things (vaccines) are formulated from outside and there are problems, it is our people who suffer. That’s why we are voicing this issue,” said Cardinal John Njue, the bishop of Nairobi.
You actually are fighting.  That’s literally the definition of what you’re doing.  And yes, it would suck if the citizens of Kenya suffer.  That’s the whole point.  They are suffering…from polio.  The means to mitigate that are available.  The suffering is about to be diminished.  The only thing standing in the way…is you, all while promising us you’re the ones stopping the suffering.
Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church is not a medical authority.  The medical authority has spoken. Kenya, can you please just ignore these people?

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